A developer/customer agreement

There's no benefit to you or us in making our contract for web site design, development, or other Internet-related services, into something complicated. But it still needs to be defined, so we have simple agreements like this, that basically only need the blanks filled in:

Halfadot smallwebs will provide all html files, gif and jpg images, javascript, CSS, and server-side scripting files ready to upload to customer's web host, to produce:

1. ___ pages of website content, each complete with navigation links/system, decorative elements, etc. as shown in the final accepted template, and including customer-supplied text.

2. One similar page containing customer contact information such as address, telephone/fax numbers and e-mail link(s) to customer address(es), and including a simple contact form to be auto-forwarded to designated customer e-mail address.

3. One similar page containing customer/site feedback form with up to ten questions/selections. Page includes necessary validation to avoid blank form submissions. Form data will be auto-forwarded to a designated customer e-address.

4. ___ designated images - as distinct from decorative elements of the page - either customer-supplied images or royalty-free stock photography supplied by developer to meet customer description.

5. Up to ten external links (related sites, affiliates, etc.). Note that the same link on more than one page counts as one link only.

6. User names, user IDs, passwords, etc. for any third-party services added to site, e.g. external guestbook, affiliates, etc.

7. Submission of the finished site to five major search engines.

8. Documentation for all supplied files (content, use and/or purpose), and instructions for editing or maintaining all code and script files.

9. Correction of any documented program errors for a period of one month after completion. Note that all our code is validated against W3C HTML4 or W3C XHTML1.0 standards - cross-browser compliant for 4+ browsers.

10. Editing of html or php pages to a maximum of one hour expended over a period of one month beginning on completion.

_______ (customer) will provide:

1. All text (content) for site either as plain text files (.txt), MS Word files (.doc), or html/php files.

2. All original images to be used on site either in bmp or tiff format, and - if needed - sufficient description to allow selection of royalty-free stock photographic images to a total of ___ images.

3. User names, user IDs, passwords, URLs, etc. of any existing third-party services that customer wishes developer to incorporate into the work, and for which customer is already registered and has paid for (unless such services are free).

4. Grant a right to developer to allow developer to add their site to developer's portfolio, including a live link to customer's site, and also to include representative content from customer site in our portfolio, e.g. screenshots, imagery, etc.

Delivery: required within ___ weeks of acceptance of contract. Both parties agree to exchange information on an expeditious basis to achieve the delivery objective.

Payment: total amount US $____, paid in accordance with the deliverables schedule posted at http://www.halfadot.com/website_building.php

Customer acknowledges and agrees with the developer's copyright conditions as to content ownership in the finished product.

Accepted by:

Accepted by:

end of simple agreement

Note that this agreement does not include maintenance beyond the first month. Site maintenance is the subject of a separate agreement.

Similarly, this agreement does not include domain registration, web host space rentals, or similar costs associated with your site.