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Web Sites Portfolio - an overview

This section of our web site introduces the work we've done: work on our own behalf; some pro bono sites and help sites; business web sites - some 'static' and some driven by databases; a small selection of older site designs and those we developed as examples for potential clients. You'll also find examples of our web products - unlike any you'll find elsewhere (and worth a look!).

Since taste is a highly personal matter, we don't expect you to fall in love with every one of the web sites shown, and decide you need one exactly like that. Remember that what we do is develop web sites to implement our clients' preferences - these sites look the way the client wanted them to look.

Your site will look the way you decide it should. After all, your web site should reflect your choices and values. Halfadot can present options and guide your selections - but the colours, style, navigation, etc. will be our implementation of your choices.

So you already have a web site?

see for yourself So you already have a web site, designed and developed by somebody else. But you came to halfadot looking for something -- while you're here, take the two-minute test: a self-critique of your own site as it exists today. Click on the image at right to  take the test .

And if your site needs improvements - or even a complete re-design - halfadot smallwebs can help.