About you and your web site
This page is about you. That's right! About you.
You are more important than us. You are our potential customer. Of course you will find out about halfadot here but the most important thing is you - our future customer.
And we like satisfied customers - they tell other people about our work, and we benefit from that. So the one thing we want is to satisfy you.
What you need to know about web sites
In the 20th century having your own website was seen as a status symbol or something just for very large businesses. Today - the 21st century, it's different - so many people turn to the Internet as their principal source of information that it is almost a necessity to have a web presence, however minimal - or people will be asking 'whatever happened to ...?' .
You know that your own web site can:
- Promote your products and services 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
- Can put your name in front of millions of people.
- Help you control or reduce the cost of your promotional material.
You have made a decision to get an Internet presence - and you're looking around for some help with the design. Here we are!!
So you already have a site?
So you already have a web site. But you came here for something -- while you're here, take the two-minute test: a self-critique of your own site as it exists today. Click on the image opposite to take the test .
And if your site needs improvements - or even a complete re-design -
halfadot smallwebs can help.